Smart Denture Conversions

Separable Fastener 10-Pack

    Our patented technology that makes Smart Denture Conversions possible.

The Separable Fastener is the revolutionary patented technology behind Smart Denture Conversions.  It significantly simplifies the procedure for converting a removeable denture to a screw-retained fixed prosthesis by allowing for a closed-tray pickup.   

The Separable Fastener secures the TiBase to the multi-unit abutment the same way as a prosthetic screw, except the PEEK Cap (Screw Head) and the Threaded Post are designed to separate, allowing the denture to be removed from the mouth.  The PEEK Cap will disengage and remain in the TiBase for the pickup while the threaded post remains in the multi-unit abutment.  

Similar to the Standard Separable Fasteners, but with a 2mm taller PEEK Cap (Screw Head) designed to work with the Tall TiBases.

The Tall Separable Fasteners ensure the PEEK Cap extends slightly above the TiBase.  This allows the PEEK Cap to be locked into the TiBase during pre-coating, which makes drilling the PEEK Cap out later, a smoother process. 


SF10PK/TSF10PK - Unigrip 

TFMV-SF10PK/TFMV-TSF10PK - Straumann (extended thread for Straumann Straight)

- Tighten with T5 (SDC Low Torque Driver)


The Separable Fastener is the revolutionary patented technology behind Smart Denture Conversions.  It significantly simplifies the procedure for converting a removeable denture to a screw-retained fixed prosthesis by allowing for a closed-tray pickup.   

The Separable Fastener secures the TiBase to the multi-unit abutment the same way as a prosthetic screw, except the PEEK Cap (Screw Head) and the Threaded Post are designed to separate, allowing the denture to be removed from the mouth.  The PEEK Cap will disengage and remain in the TiBase for the pickup while the threaded post remains in the multi-unit abutment.  

Similar to the Standard Separable Fasteners, but with a 2mm taller PEEK Cap (Screw Head) designed to work with the Tall TiBases.

The Tall Separable Fasteners ensure the PEEK Cap extends slightly above the TiBase.  This allows the PEEK Cap to be locked into the TiBase during pre-coating, which makes drilling the PEEK Cap out later, a smoother process. 


SF10PK/TSF10PK - Unigrip 

TFMV-SF10PK/TFMV-TSF10PK - Straumann (extended thread for Straumann Straight)

- Tighten with T5 (SDC Low Torque Driver)

  • 10x - Separable Fasteners
  • Unigrip (Nobel)
  • Straumann