Smart Denture Conversions
Smart Denture Converions make it possible to use shorter TiBases when making a provisional prosthetic as part of a full arch fixed procedure. The shorter TiBases fit into the denture rather than going through it, making perfect occlusion possible with the provisional prosthetic.
Smart Denture Conversions provides better occlusion & aesthetics, while creating a stronger denture that can be created in as little as 30 minutes. All of this is made possible by our patented, Separable Fastener technology.




Designed for Maximum Compatibility
Smart Denture Conversions can be used with multi-unit abutments from these companies:
- Nobel
- Keystone Dental
- Astra EV
- Thommen
- Dess
- Megagen
- Southern Implants
- Neodent
- Biomet 3i, Osseotite
- Hiossen
- Preat
- Infinity
- Blue Sky Bio
- Adin Dental
- Straumann*
- Biomet 3i, Osseotite Certain
- Hahn
- Medentika
- Ace Surgical
- Noris Medical
*Requires selection of Straumann compatibility when available.
Not compatible with NC 3.5mm.
Product compatibility available through the following distributors:
- BioHorizons
- ZimVie, Low Profile
- ZimVie, TSV
- Ditron
Additional compatibility using Dess multi units:
- MIS Dental
- Implant Direct