
Omnibut 10 Pack Starter Bundle

    Complete Omnibut Bundle for Two Arches

Note: Omnibut Drivers and Prosthetic Screws are required for use with the Omnibut.

We also highly recommend Orientation Posts and Extraction Tools with your Omnibut purchase.

The Omnibut Starter Bundle includes everything you need for two arches: 10 Omnibuts, drivers for engaging the base and securing the orientation screw, 6 orientation posts, 10 prosthetic screws, 10 healing caps, and 4 spare orientation screws for convenient replacements.

Note: Omnibut Prosthetic Screws feature a larger diameter and finer screw threads than some industry-standard prosthetic screws. As a result, they may not be compatible with certain tools and accessories commonly used in dental offices.


The Omnibut Starter Bundle includes everything you need for two arches: 10 Omnibuts, drivers for engaging the base and securing the orientation screw, 6 orientation posts, 10 prosthetic screws, 10 healing caps, and 4 spare orientation screws for convenient replacements.

Note: Omnibut Prosthetic Screws feature a larger diameter and finer screw threads than some industry-standard prosthetic screws. As a result, they may not be compatible with certain tools and accessories commonly used in dental offices.

  • 10x - Omnibut (Chosen Compatibility)
  • 10x - Prosthetic Screws
  • 1x - Base Spline Driver
  • 1x - T6 Driver Standard Length
  • 1x - T6 Driver Long
  • 6x - Orientation Posts
  • 4x - Orientation Screws
  • 10x - Healing Caps