Patient Implant Card

Patient Implant Card

This page provides printable patient implant card documents intended for patients using an Omnibut, (omnidirectional multi-unit abutment) device.

A Patient Implant Card is available to download and print for patients utilizing Smart On X's Omnibut, (omnidirectional, multi-unit abutment).  There is no specific requirement for the gauge or thickness of paper required to print this card. Standard letter or A4 size paper is sufficient. If the provider requires a specific stock of material to print the implant card on, that is up to their discretion, so long as the material is 0.76 mm thick, per ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1, Identification cards — Physical characteristics.

Please note that the internal dimensions of the implant card should not deviate from the dimensions prescribed per ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1, which are the following for this card: (L x H) 85.60 mm x 53.98 mm.