Create Your Account

2 Account Types, 1 Easy Login

We now offer two types of customer accounts through our online store, as well as an easier login process.

Customers can choose between a single-user account or a shared company account. Both account types only require an email to log in—no passwords are necessary. A Smart On X account is required for purchases.

Learn more about the account types and the account creation process below.

Create Your Single-User Account

To log in or create a single-user account, all you need is your email address.

Simply enter your email address, and we'll send you a passcode. Use that passcode to log in to our site and complete your account setup. Each time you want to log in, just enter your email, and we'll send you a new passcode. No passwords are required.

This updated login process eliminates the need to remember a password while improving security.

Login/Create Account
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Create a Company Account

Customers with multiple locations or staff members will benefit from setting up a shared company account. Company accounts offer features including:

  • Unify numerous users/email addresses under a single account
  • Set up user roles (admin or ordering permissions)
  • View the company order history
  • Share payment methods
  • Set up multiple locations with their own user roles and order histories

Company accounts require approval from a member of the Smart On X team. Approval is easy but may take up to 48 hours. Once a company account is created, users on that account follow the same login process as single-user accounts.

Request a Company Account
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